Right...It was great,for a demo for some criticism.
When using the dual blades,try and make a midair crashing attack,similar when using the revolutions blade.The guns were okay,but auto-fire would be nicer.
seeing as the charge up shot is holding the key down,perhaps you could change it to make the charge shot toggled? maybe have two gun modes,Auto,or semi?Now for the main blade,it's nice to have it,but no auto-hits?it'd be nice to have that back.I reccomend taking away the charged blade,it doesn't seem useful. With movement,Encon was a little to fast,maybe slow him down slightly,
and his evasive techniques were way to fast,and gravity defying.The Daruku Monks seem to have been training.The monks were very fast,jumped alot, and cheated.when you knock a monk unto the air,the charge an attack,and hit you, when they should be knocked out from the uppercut.Demon Encon was okay, but like in FU2-1.the magic meater charges to slow,and goes away to fast.When I used demon encon,It was normal encon,but when attacking he would look demon.It was great for a demo,but some things need to be fixed...I found a bug on the first boss,when attacking him,you'll go through him,and he can't move, allowing for you to just slaughter him,but the bug vanishes when he multiplied.
Try making this FU2,mixed with a little FU1.Like the magic meater and demon cores from FU1,and the crescents from FU2-1.anyways...good luck.